21 May 2007


i have managed to get at least five people to sign off at me and getting the last, angry word. so much fighting. so much english homework.

i suppose enough people know by now that you will all find out soon enough that i like nina. and, a lot of people are mad about that, too. but they won't tell me, of course. that's cool, then. anyone happen to have any idea why that's worth getting mad over?

you know i gotta keep it goin
keep it goin full steam
too sweet to be sour
too nice to be mean

soon all the joy that pours from everything
makes fountains of your eyes
because you finally understand the movement of a hand
waving goodbye

hey, they're great songs. i did grow up on the beastie boys, after all.

i'm not going to say much else. besides goodbye.

<3 is your number hahaha
<7. get online.


Meghna Rao said...

I still wish I saw you in the tree.

word spreads fast, doesn't it?

(I told you this would be a useless comment)

Unknown said...
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Insert_Sarcasm_Here said...

? why would they be mad? I'm happy that somethings working out for somebody!

~ forever and always... said...

Ditto to anna.

I'm happy for you guys!!! :D U 2 are cute apart, and togther!

Mahn I sound cheesy. I would suggest you delete this comment, cause I have no clue how. Great. This is embarassing. OK. Uhm. COME TO LITTLE ABNER!!!