12 March 2007

gas mask lenses and army green

so my uncle came back from poland where he lives. i havent seen him for three years, but everyone except james and i went to his wedding a little while ago.

thats cool. because my uncle rox all ur soxes (hehe) and we played basketball and hes here for TWO WEEKS. i have a really bad headache again. so tired. and i JUST got home. time to start that homework crap. gr.

a lot happened but thinking about all that typing makes my fingers hurt. ow.

&& edit

he gave me this bag that was actually used in the 80s in the army. it still had gas mask lenses, gas mask lens fog repellent, and a canteen and stuff. it looks good on me, although i think if i brought it in to school people would call it a man purse. once again, influenced by the popular opinion of the world at large.

how very cruel.


Meghna Rao said...





please tell me that this one is the snail uncle?

dieannuhh said...

no.. man bag
theres a difference.

Unknown said...

its a mag

its like moobs, but moobs are not cool.
they need bro's

if you know what i mean.

hint: mr jones has moobs, and some shirts make them more visible.

AJ said...

why do you keep getting headaches

deleted said...

i know nothing about this uncle, but i believe we call it a man purse not a man bag, diana. :)
But thats just my opinion. we could always call it a fanny pack...

Unknown said...

so its a....murse?

...a manny mack?