08 March 2007

exhausted with the fambly

yea, so about 15 kids stayed after school and we all ordered pizza house. i was smart and didnt order, because SO MUCH FOOD got thrown away because hardly anyone finished. i ate, long story short. it was really a lot of fun because lo brought her buitar and we were all just walking down the halls playing buitar like any respectable big middle school family would do.

and then comes the wave of parents. we all get sorted out into our rooms. we have a small room but with a lot of adults. we had bens mom, mayas mom, saras mom, marions parents, and a few parents i didnt know and one who never said anything or moved.

it was really, really long. as in so mind numbingly long there were long silences and then someone would say "next question?" and we would continue sadly. it wasnt really useful, but i heard the other groups just fought or one person talked the whole time, so i shouldnt be complaining.

what a great way to spend an evening. just you know, waste it. at least our group was funny, and entertaining.

did you guys know that paddy doesnt even know that he comments people? i am like "so paddy i like the pointless comments that tell me how you didnt read my blog but you like duke" and hes like "you have a blog?" and it just made my day. you all know why. i hope.

well i have to go to school, this is actually the day after..


Meghna Rao said...

That definitely makes my day too, about Patrick.

No, no, it makes my life. Seriously.


um. what were you doing up at 4:15? that's not....good. although I can definitely picture you randomly waking up at 4:00 in the morning and your first thought being like "why don't I blog instead of saving Meghna's peace of mind and going back to sleep?"

you had such a good group.
I did not.

dieannuhh said...

my dad was in ur room too.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

my- ASHLEIGH'S stripper column is gone!!