kleptomaniacally challenged
soccer practice sucked. it was really hot so no one wanted to run. i did a lot of running, but then i waited until the end of practice to go throw up in the bathroom. i can't run for a straight hour with no water in that heat.. i guess it was smarter to slack off? less puking anyways.
we watched the game that came after our practice then and it doesn't look like we will have any problem with THOSE teams.. hehe. we might have a good record this year. definitely winning. i hope. but i can only stay for four games out of eight.
done with my obsession. more later.
wow. at the soccer game there were people behind us from the other team.. our age, you know? one of them can't read. one of them has less vocabulary than my little brother. the other is intellicent but has absolutely no idea that i completely made fools of them all when they tried to fight with my friend and i. it was hilarious, because he was like WHAT'S WITH YOUR VOICE, YOU'RE SO GAY. and i said "what's your name?" and he's like "joe!" and i said "what's your favorite color?" "..uhhm.. red.." "now what, joe, did you just call me?" "OH YEAH, A FREAK!" "right." my friend's laughing. he's talking to one of the other ones. "you know, his brother has a bigger vocabulary than you." he's like "huh?" "i can't believe you don't even comprehend that." "um.. what's that mean!" i laughed and told my friend that the irony was killing me. the kid asked why we were making up words.
my parents keep going to bed at 9.
i can almost play "night after sidewalk" by kaki king all the way through! i have all the parts, but the transition is hard. it's a really good song.