shmorf, misguided intentions, and misplaced jealousy caused my a misinterpretation of misused emotions
meghna rao: "but i really dont think id have any idea what was going on if it wasnt for the fact that i do." this picture was taken by my sister with her little red camera. meghna is currently attending the pumpernickel school of pastriotism, and watches the new hit television show "this american life" every friday evening following her weekly yoga session. she claims that these activities, when performed in that order, releases certain antioxidants in o positive blood typed persons into the brain producing a natural high not unlike the effects of chocolate or ginseng tea. this complicated process got the the nobel prize for randominity in 2003, the same year her first award-winning novel, "white roses and the taste of summer" was published. although critics said that the proper use of punctuation and tense was suffocating, she announced that that bit was a private joke by one of her colleagues at the breadloaf writers convention for the mentally furthered. this colleague is now a retired and wealthy purse salesperson living off the shores of idaho. currently she writes her books entirely by the process of copy-and-paste, which she claims has a stunning and long-lasting effect on the central nervous system (a remedy which is yet to be proved by any reliable medical sources). she now lives in new mexico with seventeen cats, a prairie dog, and two terminally depressed white mice.
yeah, so dc was really cool. it was so PACKED with stuff to do. the lincoln memorial was the best, i think. i would have liked the spy museum but i had to skip most of it because i hurt my nose real bad. but the lincoln memorial was really pretty... it was like eight at night with all the stars reflecting in the big pool of water and you could see the washington memorial all lit up and the capitol behind it.. it was so cool. so i stood right dead center an inch from the big pool and had a long meaningful conversation with banana. i had not had one of those with her for a long time.
then after more running around and tours we went to the aquarium in the morning of the last day for a few hours. that was.. yeah. kitty. does kitty even read blogs? i doubt it, seeing as half my posts have her in them and she never comments *gives imaginary kitty my teacher look*. then we had lunch at the hard rock café where a certain someone that is not myself was forced to stare at the plate the entire time, which went unnoticed by the person causing the hidden workings of this complicated episode in the ongoing... at this point, my audience dies of internal bleeding and will have to gnaw their own leg off to survive if i were to continue. onward and upward. i dont think any of you two people reading this got that, but i needed to say it.
other than that, we just went around. there was this whole behind the scenes stupid thing that i dragged meghna into that made me really sad for a little while. i was wrong about a lot of things, it turns out. seems to be a recurring theme lately. but i was sad with cool people which is hard to do and i was sad in a really really beautiful place which made it more beautiful as i tried to take in the symbolism. there was also something else really beautiful that i missed very much on that trip and when i finally saw her we got to talk and she made me happy again, like always..
im so stupid.
totally unintentionally, i usually say really stupid things but attempt to make them sound fantastic by using really big words. maybe i should be lynne truss when i grow up.